Executive Coaching

Enhance skills  change behaviors  meet challenges

Superior leadership can grow an organization; weak leadership can harm it. Consider: star athletes have personal coaches to provide expert feedback and improve performance. And every unit on the team has its own coach. Every player in the organization has help learning to play better.

Just about everyone can benefit from expert coaching to further develop their management skills. New situations arise all the time. A coach can enhance skills in a variety of situations to:

We have coached individuals and leadership teams through a variety of challenges over the years, and understand how best to build rapport and create behavioral changes. We engage and motivate, creating buy-in and excitement for the change process. You and your leadership team will see real and lasting results.

To identify executive coaching opportunities, we administer and interpret instruments and assessments for our clients. Click to learn more about our Instruments and Assessments.

Contact us today at (917) 531-1375 or newleafsocal@gmail.com
for a no-charge initial discussion.  

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